love story of Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore is called the poet of love. A great story of love, sadness, confusion and loneliness is hidden in every word of his poetry. There are countless songs written by him, each word of which speaks your mind.
And like ten people, Rabindranath's life felt the first wind of love in his life. Which had a far-reaching impact on Rabindranath Tagore's life. Kishore Rabindranath's first wave of love was brought by a girl from Bombay named 'Annapurna Tarkhad'. Even in Bombay, he is a Marathi. Rabindranath gave her the name Nalini, Nalini means where many lotuses grow.
He was related to Rabindranath Tagore's elder brother Satindranath Tagore and Annapurna's (Nalini) father Atmaram Tarkhad. His family was thinking of sending Kishore Rabindranath abroad to study, when Annapurna had just returned home after completing her studies in Britain. Satindranath Tagore thought that by staying with Annapurna, Rabindranath would become proficient in English and would be able to adapt easily to the language and culture of Britain. So 17-year-old Kishore Rabindranath left his family and went to Bombay to learn English near Annapurna. Annapurna was three years older than Rabindranath. Rabindranath stayed near Annapurna for about two months. In this short period of association, the friendship developed between them. Rabindranath and Annapurna fell in love with each other. Rabindranath recalled, “She (Nalini) used to come and mingle with me. How often he used to go around me, if he saw me sad, he would comfort me, if he saw me happy, he would catch me from behind and wink. Kishore Rabindranath had a deep impact on this love. But this story of unequal love going on between them did not have a successful outcome. Due to the depth of their association, Atmaram and Satindranath thought to marry them but Rabindranath's father did not agree to this marriage because Rabindranath was young and wanted Rabindranath to study more. Distraught, Rabindranath left Annapurna and Nalini and left for London. Two years after Rabindranath's visit to England, Annapurna was married to a Scotsman named Harold Littledale. After marriage, Annapurna moved to England with her husband and settled in Edinburgh. Annapurna died in 1891 at the age of 33.
Rabindranath and Nalini's love affair was not just a temporary attraction. It has emerged in various literary works written by Rabindranath. Nalini has been portrayed very carefully in various poems, revealing the silent story of their love and sorrow. Rabindranath composed a prose play called 'Nalini'. Nalini has always wanted to keep this unequal love memorable. Their love was lifelong. After listening to Rabindranath's song written about Nalini, Nalini said, "Rabindranath, I feel like listening to your song, if this song is played next to my death bed, I will come back to life."
Rabindranath's love for the girl devoted in his early youth was realized in his later life and his own attraction towards her was also discovered in his later youth. At the end of his life, Rabindranath again recalled Nalini, Bouthakuran Kadambari Devi used to praise nothing but the virtue of Rabindranath's betel-nut hands, and would even express his anger on the goddess by criticizing her appearance. But it was on this young woman's face that he first heard praise for her looks. Nalini once said to Rabindranath, "One thing I have to keep is that you never grow a beard, the border of your face should not be covered by anything". At the age of 80, Rabindranath wrote, “Everyone knows, I did not keep my word. But his word was not kept
But he is no longer alive to see that his word was not kept."
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